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documentclass[fontsize=11pt,paper=a5,pagesize=auto]{scrbook} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage[T1]{fontenc} usepackage{lmodern} usepackage[english]{babel} usepackage{microtype} usepackage{blindtext} frenchspacing usepackage{hyperref} begin{document} title{The Book} subtitle{Some more to know} author{The Author} date{} maketitle tableofcontents part{First portion} chapter{The beginning} Some introductional text comes here. section{A first section} Dummy text will follow. blindtext section{Another section} Blindtext appendix part{Appendix} chapter{An addendum} section{Section within the appendix} blindtext end{document}
documentclass{article} usepackage{hyperref} begin{document} See hyperlink{mytarget}{next page}. newpage hypertarget{mytarget}{Here} starts a new page. end{document}
documentclass{article} usepackage{hyperref} hypersetup{hidelinks} begin{document} See hyperlink{mytarget}{next page}. Refer to the hyperref[eq:einstein]{mass-energy equivalence}. newpage hypertarget{mytarget}{Here} starts a new page. begin{equation} label{eq:einstein} E = mc^2 end{equation} href{}{LaTeX Community Forum} url{} nolinkurl{} newcommand{baseaddress}{} newcommand{articleaddress}{baseaddress know-how/latexs-friends/61/486/} hyperref{articleaddress}{running}{lualatex} {Running MetaPost within LuaLaTeX} end{document}
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documentclass[fontsize=11pt,paper=a5,pagesize=auto]{scrbook} usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} usepackage[T1]{fontenc} usepackage{lmodern} usepackage[english]{babel} usepackage{microtype} usepackage{blindtext} frenchspacing usepackage{hyperref} usepackage{hyperxmp} hypersetup{ pdfcopyright = {Copyright (C) 2012 by auhor name. All rights reserved.}, pdflicenseurl = {}} begin{document} title{The Book} subtitle{Some more to know} author{The Author} date{} maketitle tableofcontents part{First portion} chapter{The beginning} Some introductional text comes here. section{A first section} Dummy text will follow. blindtext section{Another section} Blindtext appendix part{Appendix} chapter{An addendum} section{Section within the appendix} blindtext end{document}
documentclass[paper=a4,oneside,fontsize=12pt, parskip=full]{scrartcl} usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} usepackage[author={Stefan Kottwitz},icon=Note,color=Yellow,open=true,final]{pdfcomment} begin{document} %tableofcontents addsec{Introduction} This document will be our starting point for simple documents. It is suitable for a single page or up to a couple of dozen pages. pdfcomment{Simple documents don't have chapters.} The text will be divided into pdfmarkupcomment{sections}{You could additionally use subsections.}. section{The first section} This first text will contain begin{pdfsidelinecomment}[color=Red]{A bulleted list} begin{itemize} item a table of contents, item a bulleted list, item headings and some text and math in section, item referencing such as to section ref{sec:maths} and equation (ref{eq:integral}). end{itemize} end{pdfsidelinecomment} We can use this document as a template for filling in our own content. section{Some maths} label{sec:maths} When we write a scientific or technical document, we usually include math pdftooltip{formulas}{Formulas can be inline or displayed in their own paragraph}. To get a brief glimpse of the look of maths, we will look at an integral approximation of a function $f(x)$ as a sum with weights $w_i$: begin{equation} pdfmargincomment{The equation environment produces a centered equation with whitespace before and after it.} label{eq:integral} int_a^b pdfmarkupcomment{f(x)}{This function will be approximated.},mathrm{d}x approx (b-a) sum_{i=0}^n pdfmarkupcomment{w_i}{Those are the weights} f(x_i) end{equation} pdffreetextcomment[subject={Summary},width=7.5cm,height=2.2cm,opacity=0.5,voffset=-3cm]{The whole document is an example showing how to write a small document. Now we enriched it with sample comments.} end{document}
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