Chapter 8 – Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies

Here are the Code examples of this chapter. You can compile them online right on this web page by pressing the Typeset / Compile button. You can also edit them for testing and compile them again.

The code pages here are partially based on the First Edition of the book and are currently being edited to match the code of the Second Edition with all the additional examples. It is not complete yet since the focus was on the book production until weeks ago; please visit again soon!

External file (texbook.bib) needed and compilation of a few examples requires makeindex/makeglossaries.

  {\Large\raggedleft Institute\par}
\title{The Book}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

  {\Large\raggedleft Institute\par}
\title{The Book}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

  {\Large\raggedleft Institute\par}
\title{The Book}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

\section*{Recommended texts}
To study \TeX\ in depth, see \autocite{DK86}. For writing math texts,
see \autocite{DK89}. The basic reference for \LaTeX\ is \autocite{Lamport}.

    backend = biber,
    style   = authoryear,
    natbib  = true,
\section*{Recommended texts}
To study \TeX\ in depth, see \autocite{DK86}. For writing math texts,
see \autocite{DK89}. The basic reference for \LaTeX\ is \autocite{Lamport}.

\section*{Recommended texts}
To study \TeX\ in depth, see \autocite{DK86}. For writing math texts,
see \autocite{DK89}. The basic reference for \LaTeX\ is \autocite{Lamport}.

  name = {\TeX},
  sort = {TEX},
  description = {Sophisticated digital typesetting system,
                 famous for high typographic quality of
                 mathematical formulae}
  name ={\LaTeX},
  sort = {LATEX},
  description = {Document markup language based on
                 \gls{tex}, widely used in academia}
  name = {Ti\emph{k}Z},
  sort = {TikZ},
  description = {Extremely capable graphics
                 language for drawing with \gls{tex}}
\gls{tikz} works with plain \gls{tex}. However,
it is mostly used with \gls{latex}.

\newacronym{ctan}{CTAN}{Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network}
\newacronym{tug}{tug}{\TeX\ Users Group}
\newacronym{dante}{dante}{Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX}
The \gls{ctan} has been founded by members of the \gls{tug} and of
the German speaking group ``\gls{dante}''.

The \gls{ctan} project is actually independent of \gls{tug} and \gls{dante},
but \gls{dante} is still the main supporter.

% !TEX makeindex document
While \index{glossary}glossary entries are simply
printed in the text, an \index{acronyms}acronym
is firstly fully printed with the short version
in parentheses, later only in the short version.

% !TEX makeindex document
  \index{#1!package \texttt{#2}}\texttt{#2}}
While \index{glossary}glossary \index{glossary!entry}entries are simply printed in the text,
an \index{acronym}acronym is firstly fully printed with the \index{acronym!short version}short
version in \index{parentheses}parentheses, later only in the short version.

A glossary can be done using one of the packages
\package{glossary}{glossaries} or \package{glossary}{nomencl}.
For a list of acronyms, suitable are \package{acronyms}{acronym}, \package{acronyms}{acro}
and also \package{acronyms}{glossaries}.

Go to next chapter.