Chapter 2 – Tuning the Text

Here are the Code examples of of this chapter. You can compile them online right on this web page by pressing the Typeset / Compile button. You can also edit them for testing, and compile again.

For a better view with the online compiler, I sometimes use \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} instead of \documentclass{article}. Instead of having a big letter/A4 page, the standalone class crops the paper to see just the visible text without an empty rest of a page.

Any question about a code example? Post it on, I will answer. As forum admin I read every single question there. (profile link).

\lettrine{O}{nce upon a time}, professional writer used
a mechanical machine called a typewriter. It commonly
printed fixed-width characters. Emphasizing was done by 
writing all capitals, and by underlining.

This document should have \numberstringnum{32}
pages, now we are on page \numberstring{page}
in the \ordinalstring{section} section.

  \item live
  \item long
  \item prosper

  The text below consists of pangrams.
  colupper=green!30!black,fonttitle=\bfseries, center title,
  nobeforeafter, tcbox raise base}
  Normal text \tcbox{Boxed text}
  toptitle=0.5ex,bottomtitle=0.5ex,title=Sample table]{
    Number & 100 \\
    Sum    & 350

This document will be our starting point for simple
documents. It is suitable for a single page or up to
a couple of dozen pages.

The text will be divided into sections.
\section{The first section}
This first text will contain
  \item a table of contents,
  \item a bulleted list,
  \item headings and some text and math in section,
  \item referencing such as to section \ref{sec:maths} and
      equation (\ref{eq:integral}).
We can use this document as a template for filling in
our own content.
\section{Some maths}
When we write a scientific or technical document, we usually
include math formulas. To get a brief glimpse of the look of
maths, we will look at an integral approximation of a function
$f(x)$ as a sum with weights $w_i$:
  \int_a^b f(x)\,\mathrm{d}x \approx (b-a)
  \sum_{i=0}^n w_i f(x_i)

This document will be our starting point for simple
documents. It is suitable for a single page or up to
a couple of dozen pages.

The text will be divided into sections.
\section{The first section}
This first text will contain
  \item a table of contents,
  \item a bulleted list,
  \item headings and some text and math in section,
  \item referencing such as to section \ref{sec:maths} and
        equation (\ref{eq:integral}).
We can use this document as a template for filling in
our own content.
\section{Some maths}
When we write a scientific or technical document, we usually
include math formulas. To get a brief glimpse of the look of
maths, we will look at an integral approximation of a function
$f(x)$ as a sum with weights $w_i$:
  \int_a^b f(x)\,\mathrm{d}x \approx (b-a)
  \sum_{i=0}^n w_i f(x_i)

This document will be our starting point for simple
documents. It is suitable for a single page or up to
a couple of dozen pages.

The text will be divided into sections.
\section{The first section}
This first text will contain
  \item a table of contents,
  \item a bulleted list,
  \item headings and some text and math in section,
  \item referencing such as to section \ref{sec:maths} and
        equation (\ref{eq:integral}).
We can use this document as a template for filling in
our own content.
\section{Some maths}
When we write a scientific or technical document, we usually
include math formulas. To get a brief glimpse of the look of
maths, we will look at an integral approximation of a function
$f(x)$ as a sum with weights $w_i$:
  \int_a^b f(x)\,\mathrm{d}x \approx (b-a)
  \sum_{i=0}^n w_i f(x_i)

% !TEX=lualatex
This document will be our starting point for simple
documents. It is suitable for a single page or up to
a couple of dozen pages.

The text will be divided into sections.
\section{The first section}
This first text will contain
  \item a table of contents,
  \item a bulleted list,
  \item headings and some text and math in section,
  \item referencing such as to section \ref{sec:maths} and
        equation (\ref{eq:integral}).
We can use this document as a template for filling in
our own content.
\section{Some maths}
When we write a scientific or technical document, we usually
include math formulas. To get a brief glimpse of the look of
maths, we will look at an integral approximation of a function
$f(x)$ as a sum with weights $w_i$:
  \int_a^b f(x)\,\mathrm{d}x \approx (b-a)
  \sum_{i=0}^n w_i f(x_i)

\section*{Two columns}
  \caption{A dummy figure}
    \sum_n f(n)

\section*{Two columns}
  \caption{A dummy figure}
\sum_n f(n)

\documentclass{article}% compile until last test is stable
\section*{Two columns}
  \caption{A dummy figure}
  y &= \sum_{n=1}^3 f(n) \\
    &= f(1) + f(2) + f(3)

  \put(2.5,2){Test document}%
  \AtPageLowerLeft{Page bottom left}%
  \AtPageUpperLeft{\raisebox{-\height}{Page top left}}%
    \color{red}Text area top left}}%


\cutout{l} (5ex,2\baselineskip) \setlength{\cutoutsep}{8pt}
  \shapepar{\circleshape} a few words of text\par

    \textit{I can’t go to a restaurant and order food
      because I keep looking at the fonts on the menu.}

    \hfill Knuth, Donald (2002)%

    \node[shape=circle,draw=gray!40,line width=3pt,
      fill={gray!15},font=\Huge] {\TeX};

Go to next chapter.