Chapter 8 – Getting the Most out of the PDF

Here are the Code examples of of this chapter. You can compile them online right on this web page by pressing the Typeset / Compile button. You can also edit them for testing, and compile again.

For a better view with the online compiler, I sometimes use \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} instead of \documentclass{article}. Instead of having a big letter/A4 page, the standalone class crops the paper to see just the visible text without an empty rest of a page.

Any question about a code example? Post it on, I will answer. As forum admin I read every single question there. (profile link).

\title{The Book}
\subtitle{Some more to know}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

See \hyperlink{mytarget}{next page}.
\hypertarget{mytarget}{Here} starts a new page.

See \hyperlink{mytarget}{next page}.
Refer to the \hyperref[eq:einstein]{mass-energy equivalence}.
\hypertarget{mytarget}{Here} starts a new page.
  E = mc^2 
\href{}{LaTeX Community Forum}



  {Running MetaPost within LuaLaTeX}

\hypersetup{pdfauthor   = The Author,
            pdftitle    = The Book,
            pdfsubject  = Draft version,
            pdfkeywords = {book, draft},
            pdfproducer = TeX version,
            pdfcreator  = LaTeX editor}
\title{The Book}
\subtitle{Some more to know}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

\usepackage[pdfauthor   = {The\ Author},
            pdftitle    = {The\ Book},
            pdfsubject  = {Draft\ version},
            pdfkeywords = {{book, draft}},
            pdfproducer = {TeX\ version},
            pdfcreator  = {LaTeX\ editor}]{hyperref}
\title{The Book}
\subtitle{Some more to know}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

  /Author (The Author)
  /Title (The Book)
  /Subject (Draft version)
  /Keywords (book, draft)
  /Producer (pdfTeX 1.40.0)
  /Creator (LaTeX editor)}
\title{The Book}
\subtitle{Some more to know}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

\hypersetup{pdfinfo = {
              Author   = The Author,
              Title    = The Book,
              Subject  = Draft version,
              Keywords = {book, draft},
              Producer = TeX Live 2014,
              Creator  = TeXworks,
              Version  = 2.0,
              Comment  = Contains dummy text}}
\title{The Book}
\subtitle{Some more to know}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

  pdfcopyright = {Copyright (C) 2012 by auhor name.
    All rights reserved.},
  pdflicenseurl = {}}
\title{The Book}
\subtitle{Some more to know}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

\usepackage[author={Stefan Kottwitz},icon=Note,color=Yellow,open=true,final]{pdfcomment}
This document will be our starting point for simple
documents. It is suitable for a single page or up to
a couple of dozen pages.
\pdfcomment{Simple documents don't have chapters.}

The text will be divided into \pdfmarkupcomment{sections}{You could additionally use subsections.}.
\section{The first section}
This first text will contain
\begin{pdfsidelinecomment}[color=Red]{A bulleted list}
\item a table of contents,
\item a bulleted list,
\item headings and some text and math in section,
\item referencing such as to section \ref{sec:maths} and
      equation (\ref{eq:integral}).
We can use this document as a template for filling in
our own content.
\section{Some maths}
When we write a scientific or technical document, we usually
include math \pdftooltip{formulas}{Formulas can be inline or displayed in their own paragraph}. To get a brief glimpse of the look of
maths, we will look at an integral approximation of a function
$f(x)$ as a sum with weights $w_i$:
  \pdfmargincomment{The equation environment produces a centered
  equation with whitespace before and after it.}
  \int_a^b \pdfmarkupcomment{f(x)}{This function will be approximated.}\,\mathrm{d}x \approx (b-a)
  \sum_{i=0}^n \pdfmarkupcomment{w_i}{Those are the weights} f(x_i)
\pdffreetextcomment[subject={Summary},width=7.5cm,height=2.2cm,opacity=0.5,voffset=-3cm]{The whole document is an example
showing how to write a small document.
Now we enriched it with sample comments.}

    \textbf{Dear \TeX\ user, please help in our survey.} &
      \PushButton[width=1cm, onclick =
         {app.alert("You may use a pseudonym for the name.")}]%
         {Info}\\[0.5ex] \hline
    & \\
    \TextField[width=5cm]{Name:} &
    \TextField[width=3cm]{Profession:} \\
    & \\
    \ChoiceMenu[radio, radiosymbol=6,
      width=0.5cm]{Software:\quad}{\TeX\ Live, MiK\TeX} 
    &\ChoiceMenu[combo, width=3cm]{Editor:}%
    WinEdt,Kile,Emacs,vi} \\ 
    & \\ 
    Membership in: \hfill\CheckBox[width=0.5cm]{TUG}\hfill
    \CheckBox[width=0.5cm]{DANTE e.V.} &
    \TextField[width=3cm]{Other:}\\ & \\ \hline
  \TextField[multiline, width=0.94\paperwidth,
    height=10\baselineskip]{ }

\title{The Book}
\subtitle{Some more to know}
\author{The Author}
\part{First portion}
\chapter{The beginning}
Some introductional text comes here.
\section{A first section}
Dummy text will follow.
\section{Another section}
\chapter{An addendum}
\section{Section within the appendix}

Go to next chapter.